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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Exhibition 2010 - Demonstrations and Works in Progress

Day 4:
Showing us some foundation piecing on her little baby machine is Lyn Crump of Busy Quilting.  Lyn is a member, our workshop convenor,  and she also tutors workshops at our club from time to time.

 She has a Bargello workshop coming up soon for our members to participate in.
Here is some precision piecing Lyn has been able to do using the foundation paper piecing.

Vicky is showing us how she puts her hexagon paper piecing together. Janet is keeping her company. 

  This is how she has her project set up to go - very organized.

This is her progress so far.

Genell is busy sewing up a Moda Jelly Roll.  She loves jelly roll quilts and has done some lovely projects with them.

This is what she has been  up to.  It is going to be a beauty!

 Even the sales table ladies, Joan and Marleen are showing their sewing skills.  Marleen working on a sashiko project and Joan working on her latest applique quilt.
Busy hands happy hearts!
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Chriss said...

I am loving the photos and comments on this blog. How great it is to showcase what you girls have been working so hard towards. Great blog.

Dianne said...

Thank you so much Chriss. Glad you are enjoying our blog. We are trying to cover as much of the exhibition as possible.