News and Updates

Please note that most of our news and updates are now featured on our Facebook page.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Exhibition preparation and quilted jackets

It is now less than four weeks until the opening of opening of our Exhibition at the Salo Centre in Rome Street. We look forward to seeing you and please encourage your friends, family and neighbours to come along to see the beautiful work done by our members.

Last week Fay taught a second class on how to make a quilted jacket. Here are some of the sewers modelling their jackets at various stages of (in)completion!
(L-R)Helen, Lyle, Leanne, Cheryl and June

There is a lot of talent among our members. There is always someone to help answer questions or show others how to do something. Here is Ineke helping Maureen to mount one of her embroideries for display at our Exhibition.
(L-R) Maureen and Ineke

Friday, August 10, 2012

Club support for Lois

Due to ill-health, Lois was unable to continue with work on her star quilt.  Club members, Vida and Lyle, went to the rescue and did some work on it. Then Fay assisted and added the borders. Subsequently, Lyn C kindly machine-quilted it. (The detail does show in the photo - simply click on it.)

This quilt will be bound by Club members and returned to Lois as a completed work-of-art.
Another example of the generosity, supportive care and friendship evident in our Club members.