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Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2015 Art Union Quilt

This is an unofficial photo of our 2015 Art Union Quilt that is already completed! Lots of members assisted with sewing the blocks but special thanks must go to Ineke for coordinating the project, Joan R for putting so much of it together and to Betty for her wonderful quilting.

The quilt will be on display with tickets available at our annual exhibition to be held at the Salo Centre 19-25 September 2015.
TQs 2015 Art Union Quilt  

On our last Tuesday sewing day Pat Loone displayed her clever Celtic Knot quilt.

Chris showed us the delightful quilt that she has made for a special little girl, Indy

A reminder to all members that our AGM will be held in our meeting rooms on Tuesday 3 March 2015, commencing at 11am.  All positions will be declared vacant and nomination forms for positions on the committee were included in the last newsletter and are available at our meeting venue.