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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Show and Tell on a Tuesday

We have been having some fabulous show and tells on a Tuesday lately. The group on a Tuesday continues to grow and we are averaging around 30 - 35 quilters.  Because of this we seem to be getting heaps of quilts and other items along for impromptu show and tell.

This is Linda above (right) who did this lovely 'wagga' for a contest in Chinchilla.  Linda won with this quilt and received a $50 cash injection.  She made the quilt from old woolen pieces she had to hand, even part of a dress her husband had bought her many years ago.  Lois is helping her display for the photo.

The back of the wagga was an old sheet.'   

This is one HUGE quilt!  Jan made this large oriental quilt and has done a superb job.  She even machine quilted it herself on her domestic machine.  This quilt was so big, it was difficult to get it all into a photograph.  It is spectacular, Jan, well done!

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1 comment:

shirley said...

What wonderful quilts. Your group is so fortunate to have so many creative and talented members. Thank you for sharing you lovely work.