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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Exhibition 2010 Opening Day

The meet and greet table first morning of the exhibition. (L-R)  Judy F, Sue M, President Marilyn and busy worker bee Lola.  In this photo they are sewing and demonstrating skills, but most of the day, they were busy with a steady flow of people through the door. 

Treasurer, Dot and our Exhibition Convenor, Angela at our magnificent sales table.  The ladies have been very busy this year hand crafting all sorts of articles for people to purchase at the exhibition.  Sales on the first day were brisk.

The items on display are under various headings - Christmas, Baby, Needlework, Fashion Accessories etc.  We managed to cover 6 tables!!

The members have raided their gardens and we have wonderful floral arrangements around the exhibition hall.

The body of the new venue, Salo Centre, Rome Street.  The centre gives us much space for people to step back and view the quilts and move around easily.
Beginners Corner - Angela Langdon (Club member & Exhibition Convenor) showcases the beginners class she offers to members of Toowoomba Quilters.  Newcomers to the club find the lessons invaluable and the quilt top on the right was done by a new member to the club in 2010, Libby, who did the lessons at the start of the year.
Here is Yvonne having some fun, and showing us her beanie creation she made for the beanie festival in Alice Springs N.T. this year.  The beanie was entitled 'Divine Love' and features crocheted lemon cupcakes.  She carries it off beautifully!!

More photos tomorrow!

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