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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quilting Retreat - Perseverance Dam 2010 - Fun Days

There is always a lot of fun and frivolity at the retreat.  Laughter is always in the air.
This year we had a lucky dip swap and lucky Ena received a beautifully made casserole carrier.  She found another use for it (briefly)!!

Shaaron crafted this cute little stitchery which put a smile on everyone's face.
They don't know about this shot!  The mysterious three are holding up Diana's wonderful candlewick quilt she is making in the 'quilt as you go' style.  She made a lot of progress on it over the duration of the weekend.  The photograph of the front did not do it justice so we will put some photos up when next Diana brings it to quilting.
Is Daphne scratching her head asking "Am I Crazy??".  She did well and got this top put together.  Her blocks are embellished with different yarns etc. and mostly done on the machine.  Looking good Daphne!
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