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Friday, September 6, 2013

A Special Invitation to our Exhibition *** 21–27 September 2013

   cosmos cropped

Spring heralds the arrival of our annual Quilt Show.

Starting on Saturday 21 September and going through til Friday 27th September.

The Toowoomba Quilters Club Quilt Show is held at the St Ursula’s College Salo Centre (Rome St. Toowoomba) and is open from

9.00 am to  5.00pm  each day.

Entry is only $5 and raffle tickets will be available for the splendid quilt you see there on the right hand side of our blog.

Here is a taste of some of the beautiful work you may see.

21.05.13 Lyn B Dear Jane21.05.13 Lyn B Dear Jane top

Dear Jane quilt by Lyn B – Hand pieced blocks.

13.08.13 lscap Judy J

Small wall quilt by Judy J (done in an online class with Gloria Loughman)

13.08.13 Angela Aust. quilt

Angela Langdon’s Australia Quilt

Please come and visit us, you will be most welcome.

Have some coffee and cake, enjoy some demonstrations, buy some beautiful handmade goodies from our Sales Table.

Some supplies  will be available to purchase from our wonderful merchants and see our guest quilt artist, Wendy  Wellham   from South Australia whose specialty is applique.

Until next time………Happy Patchworking & Quilting.

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