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Sunday, March 16, 2014

2014 Quilt Challenge

Congratulations to Chriss Jasper whose owl banner was the most popular with members when they voted earlier this month.  Lots of people commented on the wonderful owl eyes and the tree bark.
Owl Love by Chriss J
Our 2014 quilt challenge was to create a banner (12" x 35") showing a minimum of two owls using two pieces of provided fabric. More owls could be added but 90% of the given fabric had to be used in two owls and any method of construction was acceptable.

Here is a random selection of some of the forty banners that were displayed in our meeting rooms.

Apparently the voting was very close. All of the owl banners will be on display at our Quilt Exhibition in September when visitors will be invited to vote for their favourite.
Thanks again to Ineke who organised this challenge for members and who wore her favourite owl apron on voting day.

1 comment:

Chriss said...

Thanks everybody for voting foe my banner. Much appreciated and I am so humbled by the fact that so many people liked it. I thought they were all amazing and there was such a variety of ideas and techniques, everybody did so well. Well done you lot!