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Monday, June 16, 2014

Sharing resources and old quilts

Our club has a wonderful range of resources for use by members. Recently our librarian, Genell, added some new quilting templates to our collection.
Marilyn checking out the new templates with Genell (R)

Denim and Lace by Joan R         

 Several waggas resulting from last month's workshop are nearing completion and most of them will be on display at our exhibition in September.

Joan's Denim and Lace wagga makes good use of old jeans.

Marilyn with an early quilt

Talking about old things: last week Marilyn showed us the very first quilts that she made back in the early 1980s.
A well-worn quilt made for Marilyn's son

These generated a lot of interest and discussion about the years when most quilters were using polycottons, when quilt shops were few and far between, pattern instructions were less than adequate, quilts were always hand-quilted and bindings were added in whatever manner individuals managed to work out for themselves!
Another of Marilyn's early quilts
As lots of quilters are also gardeners, Toowoomba quilters should get lots of sewing done this week as the weather is awful and none of us want to go outside to work in our gardens.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Thank heavens times have changed, we can make and finish quilts a lot quicker now, and the fabrics today are much more exciting with colour and patterns.