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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Club Activities & Amazing Show & Tell



We are very fortunate to have our Activity Co-ordinator, Ineke, conducting affairs again this year.  Ineke does a spot on job.

Last Tuesday saw us going to Caboolture to join the Crazy Quilters of Caboolture who were hosting this year’s Queensland Quilter’s Picnic.

It was inclement weather, but that didn’t stop our intrepid quilters rising bright and early and boarding the bus at 6.30 a.m.  A short stop at Kilcoy for a delightful morning tea provided and organized by various members was welcomed.


On the way home we visited these lively gals at their shop called “Make It – Hobby ‘n Craft” at 70 Rostrevor Road, Boondall.  It was an Aladdin's cave full of yummy things.  The shop is open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 9.00 – 4.30 and Saturday mornings 9.00 –12.00.  The ladies provided us with afternoon tea in their garden at the back of the shop.  The weather had improved by this time fortunately.


Genell enjoying a bit of  ‘therapy’.


Sheila admiring the garden out back of the shop (and pretending to help!)


The Art Quilt group meets each third Saturday of the month.

The ladies are currently working on their portraits but like any good quilter they can always be diverted by a new project or technique. 

Chris D brought along her stamps made by carvings out of a sheet of rubber material.

Stamps by Chris D 18.05.13

Chris D’s stampings.

Carving Stamps 18.05.13

Lyn L and June having a go at carving a stamp.

LSharon & Lorikeet 18.05.13

Sharon D with the beginnings of her art quilt featuring the fabulous rainbow lorikeet.  Sharon was inspired by the lorikeets who visited their bird bath when they lived at Tugun on the Gold Coast.

Lesley w feathers 18.05.13

Lesley, one of our newer members, started this feather quilt in a workshop and she has used some very fine black bias to give the stained glass effect.


Meeting Day Tuesday, 21st May.

Now for some truly amazing show and tell.  This Dear Jane quilt top has been produced by Lyn B, who has pieced each block by hand.  We have watched Lyn work on the blocks at quilt days on Tuesday and she has also documented each and every block in her Dear Jane folder.  Congratulations, Lyn

21.05.13 Lyn B Dear Jane21.05.13 Lyn B Dear Jane top 

Of course, Lyn intends to hand quilt this quilt.

21.05.13 Angela Tibouchina21.05.13 Angela feather quilting

“Tibouchina” by Angela Langdon.  Angela did this raw edge applique piece in a workshop in 2009 with Sharon Schamber of the USA.

Angela is a marvellous machine quilter and quilted this quilt this year in feathers and no marking of the quilt top!

21.05.13 Lyn Crump WShop runner

Lyn Crump is holding a workshop on Tuesday, 30 July on this foundation pieced table runner.  Members may book with our workshop convenor, Cheryl.  Don’t miss this one.

21.05.13 Linda R Stitchery21.05.13 Linda R Stitchery close up21.05.13 Stitchery Linda R

Stitchery quilts by Linda R.  Linda is a stitchery whizz and her work on these quilts is exquisite.

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