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Saturday, July 13, 2013

"Deck the Walls. . ."

This month's potluck lunch was a Christmas in July function. (We have a shared lunch on the second Tuesday of each month to acknowledge and celebrate members' birthdays.)  The walls of our main meeting room were decorated with Christmas-themed quilts and other home-made Christmas items. There was a prize this year for the best-decorated Christmas hat. As usual it was a hard decision for the judge but eventually Lyn V (third from left) was awarded the prize.

Christmas in July hat parade
There were lots of other prizes so there were lots of winners: a multi-draw raffle and a door prize plus a fantastic auction of donated items. Ineke, our Events Coordinator, is a wonderful, efficient, authoritative and entertaining auctioner!
Proceeds from the day will be donated to the Toowoomba branch of Anglicare.  Many thanks to those members who contributed to a very successful and fun day.

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