News and Updates

Please note that most of our news and updates are now featured on our Facebook page.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sampler Quilt Course

Over the past three months fifteen enthusiastic Club members have participated in a Sampler Quilt Course taught by Angela Langdon.  Here are some of the students with their quilt tops.

Trish P

Trish M
There are more to come and maybe some of the quilts will be completed for display at our Exhibition in September?  Lyn L has progressed hers and is shown here using the Mulberry Millie Upright Quilt Basting frame that the Club has recently purchased to help save our backs!
Lyn L
Earlier this year we purchased a Horn Craft Plus table - another piece of back-saving equipment - that can be used during our workshops and social sewing meetings.

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