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Monday, May 25, 2015

Lyn Who?

Earlier this month a busload of Toowoomba Quilters members attended the Queensland Quilters Annual Picnic that was hosted this year by Rosewood Craft and Quilters. We had an excellent day with lots of laughs and retail therapy.  It was a great venue and glorious weather which must have delighted our hosts because we had some terrible days before and after the event!

Lyn, Lyn, Lyn, Lyn & Lyn

Apparently we have five members in our club called "Lyn" and someone observed that all five were on the bus excursion that day. What better excuse for a photo of five of our lovely members - all known as "Lyn" (although some were named Lynette.)


Many thanks to Lyn (on the right in pink) for organising  the bus trip for us.

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